
Welcome to the future of dermatology.

Choose real exosomes with AnteAGE MDX®.

AnteAGE MDX Exosome 5mL Bottle

About AnteAGE MDX® Exosomes

The AnteAGE MDX® Exosomes contain 10 billion exosome Nanospheres and use only revitalizing proteins derived from the best source for enhancing the appearance of the skin for that youthful-looking glow.

Exosomes are packages of biosignals that can be channeled into areas that require help and promote skin texture improvement from the inside out. When the body senses an injury or malfunction, it sends exosomes to the affected area to repair the damage. Exosomes can also help synergize with other cosmetic procedures to aid in keeping skin looking youthful and improve the appearance of skin to give it that healthy radiance.

Although the body naturally produces exosomes, these cells are incredibly delicate. AnteAGE MDX® carefully preserves these exosomes to ensure maximum benefit for the skin.

AnteAGE MDX® Exosomes make the perfect addition to skin treatments, resulting in better recovery. This unique formula contains highly anti-inflammatory active ingredients to soothe redness after the treatment.

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