
This 20 Minute Treatment is All You Need to Lose Stubborn Fat

SpectruMed October 19, 2019

This 20 Minute Treatment is All You Need to Lose Stubborn Fat

Ever wondered how you can get rid of those love handles without resorting to surgical procedures or unhealthy crash diets? The Accent Prime the solution for you!  

Accent Prime treatments are completely non-invasive, painless procedures that can help get rid of stubborn fats. It can help you achieve a slim and toned body without the pain or downtime that comes with surgical procedures.  

What’s more, the treatment is not only good for fat reduction. It can also help tighten skin to prevent sagging of the treated areas. Accent Prime is an efficient device that can slim down your face and body including the thighs, belly, buttocks, and arms. Find out exactly how you can achieve your dream body without resorting to unhealthy ways here. 

Get Rid of Stubborn Fat with Accent Prime

No matter how much you exercise or restrict yourself from munching on your favorite snacks, there are still certain areas of your body that retain stubborn fat. To remove fat in these areas of the body, one option is to undergo surgical procedures. Sadly, procedures like liposuction can have a long downtime and leave huge scars.  

That’s all in the past.  

Now, there is Accent Prime to help you get rid of unwanted fats with ease. With Accent Prime, you can get the results without experiencing the pain and downtime of liposuction. Accent Prime is an aesthetic device that uses advanced technologies like radiofrequency and ultrasound technology to target fat cells. It is different from other body contouring machines because Accent Prime also helps tighten skin during the procedure.  

Lose Stubborn Fat With Exercise

Accent Prime comes with various applicators suitable for face and body. Below are the various areas that Accent Prime can treat: 

  • Face and Chin Area – Accent Prime comes with a smaller handpiece that can be used on the face and submental area. Using the smaller handpiece helps target and reduce the appearance of sagging jowls and tighten skin. The treatment gives your face a slimmer and more defined shape.  
  • Arms and Back – Just like the rest of your body, the skin on these areas lose their elasticity and firmness. This leads to sagging skin that makes excess fat more visible especially when wearing fitted clothes. Accent Prime helps reduce fat in these areas and restore firmness of skin at the same time.  
  • Thighs and Buttocks – Thighs and buttocks are problematic areas especially for women. Other than excess fat and sagging skin, these areas are also prone to cellulite. Cellulite is a skin condition characterized by the lumpy appearance of skin. Accent Prime is the most suitable aesthetic device that can help get rid of the excess fat and cellulite while tightening skin.  
  • Stomach – Getting flat and toned abdomen is hard especially if your stomach easily develops love handles and belly fat. Accent Prime can deliver amazing results as it reduces excess fat in the abdomen while improving the firmness and tightness of skin. This can give you that flat belly with just a few treatments. 

Why Is Accent Prime A Healthy and Effective Solution?

You’ve heard the horror stories of people trying crash diets and drinking appetite suppressants just to slim down. They end up losing weight but at the price of their health. Some end up suffering from side effects and health issues just to get that trim physique.  

There are also people who try surgical procedures to shape their bodies. But these are expensive and invasive. The downtime, risk of scarring, and pain are also important factors that make people shy away from this kind of procedure. 

Exercising and having a balanced diet are some of the best ways to stay healthy. But these alone cannot trim stubborn fat in specific areas of the body. This is what Accent Prime is made for. It is a healthy and effective way solution to melting stubborn fat away. 

Get Toned and Fit Body with Accent Prime

Accent Prime treatments are popular nowadays because they deliver the best results without causing unhealthy side effects or long downtimes. Below we list some of the ways Accent Prime is healthier and more effective for your body contouring needs.  

Non-Invasive Procedure  Surgical procedures like liposuction has many known risks. Surgeries also leave patients with noticeable scars. On top of that, patients are required to follow strict instructions as well as lifestyle and diet changes to maintain their body shape after a surgical procedure.  

Unlike surgeries for fat removal, Accent Prime is non-invasive, safe, and can be performed numerous times without any side effects. It is a fast and efficient procedure that will not leave the patient with scars or long downtime. With just a few sessions of the Accent Prime, you can get the physique that you want.   

Painless and No Side Effects – Treatments with Accent Prime do not require needles or going under the knife. The procedure does not cause discomfort during and after the treatment. Most of all, there are no side effects with Accent Prime. It is a painless solution to getting rid of excess fat.  

Unlike extreme diets, you can still enjoy a fulfilling meal in moderation. There are also no long-term side effects. You can even get Accent Prime numerous times to maintain a great body shape. 

No Downtime – Because Accent Prime treatments are non-invasive, it does not have any downtime. Patients can resume daily activities right after the treatment. What Accent Prime does is that it activates natural lipolysis from the inside without causing damage on the surface of skin. This means no bruising, no scars, and no downtime.  

Natural Results – Accent Prime gets rid of excess fat naturally from within. It uses both ultrasound technology and radiofrequency to eliminate fat cells naturally. During the procedure, the device tightens and firms up skin to prevent sagging after the treatment. This delivers natural results of a slimmer and more defined treated area.  

See Amazing Results with Accent Prime Treatment

How Does Accent Prime Work?

Accent Prime is an aesthetic device that uses ultrasound technology and radiofrequency. The complementary technologies work together to break down stubborn fat from within. It is more popular with patients because it can deliver long-lasting results without the pain of surgery. To understand the advantages of using Accent Prime, it is important to know how your body gains and loses excess fat first. Read about it below.  

How Your Body Accumulates Excess Fat

The body continues creating fat cells throughout a person’s lifetime. It becomes more apparent during puberty. Fat cells created during this time might expand or shrink depending on your lifestyle. Without exercise and proper diet, these fat cells expand, causing you to gain excess weight. Having a healthy lifestyle helps shrink these fat cells.  

Another cause of expanding fat cells is slow metabolism. As you age, your metabolism and other bodily functions slow down. This can lead to excess fat in certain areas of the face and body that are hard to get rid of. To accommodate excess fat, your skin can also stretch, which might lead to sagging. Accent Prime helps you lose these fat cells and tighten skin at the same time.  

Accent Prime Targets Fat Cells 

Accent Prime uses Cold Shear Wave and Hot Ultrasound to target fat cells without causing damage to skin. These activate wave vibrations that disrupt fat cells. Instead of just shrinking fat cells, Accent Prime disrupts them, causing them to become liquefied. Liquefied fat cells are eliminated from the body with the help of lymphatic drainage.  

Radiofrequency or RF technology causes dielectric heating under the skin, which improves lymphatic drainage to speed up the elimination of toxins and disrupted fat cells. RF technology also helps tighten skin as it activates the contraction of skin tissues. The treatment enhances the production of collagen and elastin as well, giving skin a tighter and firmer texture. This helps prevent your skin from sagging after the procedure.  

Is Accent Prime Right for You?

If you want to get rid of excess fat on specific areas of the face and body, Accent Prime is the best option for you. The device comes with handpieces that can be used for both your face and body. It can be used to target specific areas and slim them down. Then it tightens these areas to keep it from looking loose and lax. This is also perfect for those who do not want the downtime that you get from fat reduction procedures.  

To find out more about Accent Prime and how it works, visit this page. 

Read More: Accent Prime | Love Your Shape

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